Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Book Review: Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick

I'm usually late to the party.
I usually get books and read them later than many others.  I like to read... but my backlog of books to read is quickly overwhelming me.

When I got a copy of Steven Furtick's books... "Sun Stand Still"... it jumped to the top of the pile.  Check out Steven Furtick's page for this book with a video HERE.  I had read and heard a great deal about this book when it was released last fall.

But to be honest... I was skeptical.
Even after I got it in my hands, I was still skeptical.

I didn't read this book fast.  This 208 page book would have taken me about 3 days to read if I read it at my normal pace.  But I read it slower.  I wanted to take it in and digest it along the way.

For much of the beginning of this book, my skepticism remained.  I kept thinking, "I've read books like this... with big promises... big ideas... that ended up on my shelf without impacting my life in the long run."   But I kept reading.

Steven's book was captivating.  He encouraged me to dream in a way that I haven't dreamed in a while.  When I finished the first couple of chapters, I sat for about an hour and wrote down ideas.  I had thoughts about my current ministry that I hadn't had before.  I dreamed dreams about our youth ministry that I hadn't dreamed before.  And honestly, that was almost six weeks ago and I'm still thinking about those dreams and thoughts.

Steven's book challenged me with Biblical ideas, stories and illustrations that challenged me.  Steven challenged me to approach my prayer life differently.  Steven challenged me to think about my ministry and leadership position differently.

This book is a book that church leaders should read.

Far too often, we find ourselves with small dreams... thinking about things that we can accomplish... and not relying on God to do what only God can do by dreaming big dreams.  Steven encourages you to dream big audacious God-sized dreams that only He can accomplish.  Over the past couple of months, I have found Steven's words popping up in my mind as I have sat in meetings, retreats and other planning functions... and I've been challenged to pray things that I probably wouldn't have prayed before reading this book.

On the flipside, Steven is honest.  He acknowledges that it isn't easy (something that many who write books like this don't do... they paint a 'pie-in-the-sky impression and don't paint the flipside... that it's hard and some times doesn't work out as planned).  Steven tells it like it is.  And he shares enough stories from his current ministry that give him credibility.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.  It will be interesting to read more from Steven over the years to see how God continues to work in his ministry.

To pick up a copy of this book for yourself, you can go to AMAZON or WALMART.  Happy reading!


FTC Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

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