Monday, October 30, 2006

It wasn't easy being green...

Sunday was a landmark day for me.

I played a frog in Sunday morning service!

This past Sunday we wrapped up an adult series on "No Perfect People Allowed" and we talked about some of the reasons why people don't feel like they fit in at church... they doubt... they pretend... etc.

This past weekend was on the topic of pretenders. (The idea that in church a lot of the time we pretend to be perfect and have it all together when down inside we really don't.) With Halloween coming up this week, Chris (our Teaching Pastor) got this idea: What if someone (and by someone: me) came out on the stage in a costume and pretended to be Chris teaching the message. When in fact, Chris was backstage. Then Chris would come out and it would be revealed that it wasn't Chris in the costume.

So a plan was hatched...
And it went off awesomely...
I wish that I had a picture for you... but it would have ruined the surprise factor if someone was taking pictures...

Both services were totally fooled. If you could have seen the looks on people's faces (or at least what I could see from behind the head of a giant frog)! It was priceless...

In the end, I disagree with Kermit... It wasn't that hard being green.


1 comment:

  1. It was pretty cool. We had everybody fooled. I owe Jim big-time for doing this one for me!
