Thursday, October 02, 2008

Waiting in Vegas...

Right now, I'm sitting on the floor in the Vegas airport with my back against the wall and my iPod is charging. I'm hoping that I'll have enough charge to make it through a movie and whatever songs I need to get me back to Chicago tonight...

While my iPod battery is almost empty (and my iPhone's too). My heart is full.

The last couple of days have been incredible. I love the Gathering. Definitely the best part is catching up with old friends (and by the way, if this is short it's because I've got to catch my flight). But what an incredible time of talking about houses, ministries, students, programs, purposes, plans... but most importantly... talking about life. And talking about life with guys that I'm doing life with in one form or another (sometimes Twitter... sometimes blogs... sometimes emails... sometimes texts... and sometimes face to face). But it was great to walk into a room full of people that I care about and care about me... and to know that they don't care about me for any reason relating to ministry. They just want to know how things are in my life.

Not that there aren't others in my life that are that way. There are. (And you know who you are...) But it's great to have so many of them together in one room at one place. The room where we met had 6 tables. I could sit down at everyone of them and know that I'm sitting with friends.

I'm leaving finding myself feeling very encouraged... and ready for another phase of ministry and life. And that's what the Gathering is all about. I have lots of ideas in my moleskine... but my heart is full.

Thanks Doug, Neely and others who helped to fill it up... (and I won't mention names because I will forget someone).


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