Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bible reading tools

This morning at North Terrace, I preached about the importance of having a regular Bible reading habit. 

It's amazing that in the midst of technological world in which the Bible is so readily available that we as Christians spend so little time reading God's Word. 

For centuries, Christians longed to have their own copy of the Holy Scriptures.  But they couldn't have them.  One, because they weren't available but also because the church leadership didn't think they could handle them.

We live in a different world. 
You can readily get a copy of the Scriptures. 
You can find multiple tools to help you. 

That's where this blog post is coming from. 
Of all the tools for Bible reading, there are two that I would recommend... from the same source.

YouVersion is the place to go. 
First, their online tool is amazing!  (YouVersion online) They have a ton of translations... including the popular ones like the New International Version and New Living Translation.  They have a ton of reading plans... plans for beginners... plans for experts... plans that read chronologically... plans that read straight through.  Plenty to choose from.

The second tool follows along with this, YouVersion has a mobile app that is top-notch.  It's free to download for a variety of different platforms... including iPods/Touch/Phone.  (Check it out HERE in the iTunes store)  This syncs up with the online tool to help you keep up with your reading plan.  Plus, they are adding new features all the time.

If you are looking for a couple of tools to help keep you on track for Bible reading in the new year, this is a great place to start!!!


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