Saturday, February 09, 2008

Car Craziness...


As some of you know, I flew out to Pennsylvania to pick up Jackie's car yesterday (it looks similar to this Sebring... but it's olive colored).

Man... what a long day!!! I spent an hour an the flight... 2 hours driving to Meadville... a couple more hours working out the paperwork...

then 10 hours in car... ugh!!!

But it's all taken care of today.

Then I spent about an hour outside putting on new windshield wipers. Putting on new wipers has become one of those tasks that I hate... and I did use the word "hate." I'm a relatively intelligent human being... although there are some out there who might disagree with that statement (shut-up Nate). But putting wipers quickly and easily requires some sort of advanced education in some field that I'm not sure anyone is up to speed on (the package says that they are "easy to install." Whatever!!).

But finally... after about an hour in the snow, outside in the Wal-Mart parking lot... I finally got them on.

Hopefully... I'm done messing with cars for a little while.


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